Wednesday, September 1, 2010

68. The Crucifixion (John 19:1-42).

by Wesley Blackburn

And now we arrive at what was simultaneously earth's darkest hour and greatest hour: the crucifixion.

It's really an ending with more twists and turns than any author or writer could ever imagine. The same crowd that just days before praised Jesus as the Son of God would now shout, "Crucify Him!" Jesus, just as prophecy predicted hundreds of years before, would be led like a lamb to the slaughter. He would not protest. Even though He was the Son of God, He would not insist on His own rights. Rather, He would willingly give up His own life in the most painful way imaginable to fulfill the will of the Father.

But surely the cross also shows us something else that's amazing, and that's Jesus' incredible love for us. I was thinking about this at one point last winter; because of the cross, I never have to wonder whether or not Jesus loves me. I never have to wonder if Jesus' grace for me really is true; if God really offers forgiveness to me for what I've done. The cross leaves no doubt. Truly, Jesus loves all of us. It was the only reason He died, and it once and for all answers the question whether or not God cares, God sees, and God loves.

Because the answer is yes. God loves me incredibly. The cross proves it.

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