Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beyond Sunday - Refresh Bobby Jackson

Our church has been in an amazing season! There was such an electricity in the air surrounding the Not a Fan series where so many crossed a line a faith. For some it was baptism, others moved beyond cheering Jesus on or limiting a relationship with Him to an hour on Sundays, to living as a fully devoted follower. Awesome stories of faith and spiritual movement almost became common for us. We went from there to the Jesus Mission. What is God calling us to do now? How can we partner with Him and continue the trend of doing what He has called us to do in dramatic ways? How can we launch out in faith again and trust Him even more? And again people rallied toward sacrifice and a deep level of commitment to whatever God asks. In the middle of that time we sent a group to Liberia, Africa, we did a push for community groups, hired a new youth pastor,….whew!

I know from our prayer list and talking with many of you that you feel like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends for a while now and are feeling the effects of a worn down existence.
That’s why this Sunday was so important to me. It seemed that this week would be the perfect time to take a deep breath, reflect, and gain perspective.

We were reminded this week of how connecting with God refreshes us. Someone once said that everyone has three tanks: an emotional tank, a physical tank, and a spiritual tank. We can tell when the physical tank starts to run low…it wears on us. Though not seen as easily, if we are not refilling our emotional tanks, we wear out too. Our spiritual tank is even less noticed by most, but greatly affects our energies and passions. What’s more, when one tank is low it affects the other two. What can you do this week to refill your tanks? I pray Sunday refilled at least one.

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