Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beyond Sunday - The Jesus Mission: Our Commitment Gordon Barker

I like the way Greg described Suncrest on Sunday as a “Celebration of Stories”. The stories of how we started and the generosity of our people over the years are powerful. Suncrest is “Being used by God to change lives”. If we are paying attention we get a front row seat to watch this happen in ourselves and in others. As Greg put it, we get to see God work in life…after life…after life…after life… after life… A statement of the unending, continuing changes happening all the time. The delivery of these words really impacted me. To think about lives being changed is awesome and inspiring. The poignant pause between each “after life” a chance to let that awe inspiring thought sink in. Each one, a person, a soul connecting with God.

I love the spirit of our church. Willing to embrace a big vision, ready to take a risk, to step out in faith, excited about where it will lead. Anxious to see what God can do through us. Recognizing how blessed we are and our responsibility to share those blessings with others.

The Jesus Mission will stretch and challenge us again. A chance to be used by God in Highland, South Bend and Liberia to change lives. Life…after life…after life…after life...

This is the continuing story of Suncrest.

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