...by Doug Gamble
This past Sunday I announced some exciting news to our Hobart Campus. We have been given a facility and in early 2011 we will move into our own 24/7 space. God has certainly thrown open a huge door for us, even though we were not sure it was the right door at first. As with a lot of areas of our life, the open door isn't always obvious. It takes trust to both SEE the door and WALK through it. We doubt ourselves. We doubt it is God we are actually hearing from. We doubt that He could use us.
When the Israelites were led out of Egypt they questioned their decision to follow God. They complained because it was taking longer than they liked. They griped about the conditions. They questioned Moses' leadership. But their experience in the desert was exactly what they needed to build a deeper trust in God. That trust was essential to God's plan being carried out through them. And it's essential for His plan to be carried out through us.
I met with a man this week who is in a "desert" experience. Even though he had dedicated his life to serving God, his life fell apart. He has been angry. He has doubted. He has wanted to give up. But he is holding on, taking one step at a time and trusting that God will bring him through this experience. And each step of the way his trust grows.
Growing in trust is not an instantaneousness act. Trust only develops in time through experiences where trust is needed. So if you find yourself in a season of waiting or a season in the desert, keep taking steps forward, learning to trust with each step. If you can't see the open door, take time to specifically focus on your relationship with Jesus. If you see a door but are afraid to walk through it, pray like crazy and step through it.
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