Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beyond Sunday - Jesus is _______: Provocative Teacher Dave Wright

Quick…think of the best teacher, mentor, or boss in your life. Why were they “the best”? What characteristics did this person have that stick out? The one thing that sticks out from my best teacher is the challenges he threw at me. He knew I had the talent, but he pushed me to become even better. I hated bringing a project to him for the first time, knowing he would be “constructively dissatisfied.” Imagine if you were one of Jesus’ Apostles and you had to turn in something to him? Would you be dreading what he was going to say, or would you be willing to listen to his constructive criticism?

Greg’s sermon touched on three things regarding Jesus as a provocative teacher. He confronts our status quo, exposes our motives, and challenges us to grow. It is hard to remember…but Mark 9:23 says, “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

BTW…have you ever felt like the “new kid”? I felt like the new kid playing at the Highland Campus this past Sunday…but in a good way. It seemed like all new people were worshiping in just the month I was there last….how wonderful to see people looking for the provocative teacher in their life. I know everyone says this, but you have to go and check out the other campuses and see how Suncrest is being used by God to change lives.

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