Well folks, hope you enjoyed all of the e100 resources that we posted on here over the past several months! I know that it was beneficial to me to be going through all of that with you... hope it was useful for you as well!
As we sort of get back into a regular rhythm with these next few posts, I just wanted to share with all of you some opportunities we have for serving within Cultivate at all four if our Suncrest campuses. If you're interested in helping out, you can always fill itouton a Connection Card, give us a call here at church (219-365-9000), or just get in touch either in person or via email with your campus Cultivate leader (Bobby at St. John, Larry McManus at Hobart, Rachel Kaser at Walkerton, or myself at Highland). I know we'd all love to hear from you!
Campus Prayer Team: These are the folks who volunteer to stay after service for a little bit to pray with folks who would like to be prayed with. This is an awesome opportunity to get a chance to really give some comfort and peace to this who are hurting and in tough situations. Plus, the time commitment is light! Just a few minutes after service is all it takes to volunteer!
Baptism Class Teacher: At each of our campuses we try to have some sort of forum for talking with folks about taking the next step of baptism. If you have a passion for teaching, then this could be a great serving opportunity for you! You'll get a chance to talk to people about what the Bible teaches regarding baptism and help people take their next steps in faith.
Communion Comments Team: This is the group of people that come up every so often on stage and share the thoughts that lead into our time of communion each week. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then get in touch with your campus Cultivate leader!
Just wanted to share those opportunities with you to serve within Cultivate. If one of those sounds great to you, then get in touch with us and start serving!
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