Tuesday, October 5, 2010

92. A New Creation In Christ (2 Corinthians 4:1-6:2).

by Scott Skowronski

This world that we live in definitely brings one test after another, challenging us to become the amazing creation God had in mind when we were formed.  However, it is completely up to us to make the decision to pursue it.  Deep in my heart and soul, I feel that we have all been given everything we need to get where we were meant to be.  We must listen and obey in order to accomplish our purpose and carry forward the message that lives in the death of Jesus.

Sit and think about the following for a moment:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

When we feel like quitting, when we get frustrated, when we get angry, when we question going forward, we place our faith ahead of our flesh remembering that "our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."  We are living a temporary assignment away from home and work to please God so that when it is our time to be with him we can confidently await the promise of heaven.

We must recognize that our sins will not be held against us.  We become a new creation when we accept Christ as our Savior.  We become reconciled to God.  "I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."

As I read these passages today, I could not help but to think about how God's mercy has allowed me to arrive exactly where I am.  It became clear to me that I must take the light shining in my heart and help others find it too.  I am fully able to "Let light shine out of darkness."  I was helped to find the glory of God through the face of Christ and am determined to help others also find this saving grace.

When I think back over the past two years of my life, I see a transformation that has reformed who I am and what I stand for on a daily basis.  It amazes me how a desperate honest conversation with God guided me to becoming a new creation in Christ forever changing the rest of my time spent in this world and therefore eternity.

The once dark, sick and isolated world of my life has become filled with hope relentlessly bright and shining with love from every angle.  I trust obediently and through that trust I am provided with all that I need to experience the joy I was meant to receive to bring glory to God.  I am so grateful and invite all of you to join me in pursuing God's will living with this dedication at the forefront of our actions.

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