Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beyond Sunday - Journey: Worth it? Bobby Jackson

Well, it has all come down to this. For the last several weeks we’ve been encouraged to identitfy, pray, respond in love, and to partner with what God is doing in the local church. Quite a good buzz especially this week about the power of a simple ask.

What draws me personally is having something worth asking people to. In my case I have two things: Suncrest and who Jesus is.

I am proud to invite people to know the people and culture of Suncrest. It is unlike anyplace I have ever been. I find myself getting genuinely jazzed about what we do here and it overflows when I talk with others about what we do or invite them to “come and see” or “kick the tires”. I think one of the most powerful influences for Christ is an authentic Christian community.

And of all the things I could give my life to or help others know about, helping people understand the crazy love of Jesus overwhelms me. When I begin to explain it or talk about what it looks like in my simple life, I am blown away at the magnitude of His grace and love. Getting started in the conversation is sometimes hard for me, but talking about God’s extreme love flows once it gets started.

What seems worth it to you? What are you willing to risk talking about? How much do we believe that Jesus really is who He said He is? Reflecting on that compels me/us. I pray it is a fruitful week as you and I look to invite our “one” to take a step toward a relationship with Jesus.

By the way, someone reminded me this week to not make a big deal about inviting our friend to Suncrest so that they don’t feel like they were just a project or a score for you…seemed like a good reminder.

Will your “one” be here this week?

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