by Wesley Blackburn
Based on outward appearances, there's not a whole lot very flashy about this passage. As a pastor and Bible college student, I get to hear a lot about people's favorite Bible verses and things about Scripture that inspire them, and I don't recall anyone ever saying, "Hey, you know the passage that talks about elders and deacons? 1 Timothy 3? Yeah... that's definitely my favorite part of the Bible."
But despite its lack of flash, I think that this passage gives us some important considerations. Namely, that God really values leadership, especially within his church. In laying down the things that qualify a person to serve as an elder or deacon in the church, Paul really pushes people toward something great. He pushes them to go above and beyond the call in many ways. To me, this shows that God doesn't just want us to slip by, especially if we are wanting to be leaders in His body. In fact, God calls us to something far greater as leaders. The whole "be above reproach" idea is strongly communicated here. God wants us to be people that are far beyond being even one bit close to being dragged down accusations that might haunt us!
Reading this passage also just makes me thankful to get to serve with such great leaders at Suncrest. We've got some great people serving on our staff, and some even better people in our church who serve as elders and leaders. We've been truly blessed with people who have stepped up to the plate and done such a great job casting direction and vision for our church, serving faithfully, and boldly following wherever God leads!
Leadership is important. 1 Timothy 3 encourages me to keep aspiring to be a better leader, and it also makes me thankful for the great leaders that we already have at Suncrest!
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