...by Larry Walker
Those were two pretty powerful messages from Andy this Sunday. The first… coupling our own individual power with the humility that Jesus did. I thought about all the different things I considered myself good at and then prayed on whether or not I was using them for others at all. I also gave consideration as to if I was using these blessings in a humble manner. You know, it’s funny. While I initially would have thought that I was fine on this front, as it turns out, I could be doing a lot better. The troubling thing for me was the “where” I haven’t been implementing God’s blessings… at home, at work, and in the community. I imagine it’s the same for a lot of us. Sometimes we let our frustrations of being a spouse (finances, intimacy, running the kids all over, etc) get in the way of taking these blessings and becoming a better Christ-centered partner. Unfortunately, we can also short change our children. For me, listening has been one of God’s unique powers He has given to me. Here lately, I can’t even count how many opportunities have slipped by to have a great conversation with my daughters because I either have work to get done or because I am so exhausted I am not cognizant enough to give them my ears. Treasured moments that never came to be. Then, I started thinking about these blessings in the workplace. The common posture is to be selfish and only be concerned about your own needs. If we all took the lessons from Philippians 2:1-11, can you imagine what an efficient workplace we’d all have? This also holds true for the community. Usually the last on the list of these four that we’ll do anything about. It’s so easy to get caught up in the other three that our community’s needs often go unexplored. But ask some Suncresters that are actively involved in helping their community and they’ll tell you it’s one of the brightest parts of their lives.
So, what do I do about it? Andy’s second powerful message… simply ask “What are some things you’ve been trying to tell me, but I haven’t been listening?” I need to put my heart in this humble place and listen to the answer. Then, actually act on it. I’m looking forward to what happens next.
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