...by Randy Parish
Reading the bible I think has lately become just that for me, reading the bible. There is a big difference between reading and studying. Greg put it in perspective when he said the bible is the most owned and the least read book. Most people own at least one copy. I just saw a statistic that said 90+ percent of households own at least one, but only 20% will read all the way through it in their lifetime. What else do we have that everyone owns but no one uses. Some own several copies and may have different translations. I know in our house we have at least 8 different bibles we have gotten over the years. It may sound funny to admit, but I envy the people who actually wear one out from use. The cover is falling off, the pages are marked up and ragged and it’s not from misuse. I see someone teaching from a ragged old bible and I think, man, there is a person that really gets into the word. I have been in a number of read through the bible plans in my life that I have actually completed, but face it, around April or May when you have finally sloughed your way through Numbers and Leviticus and your eyes glaze over, it becomes just something to get through by the end of the year. On the other hand, I do find that no matter how many times I read through the bible, I always find something new I didn’t see before. I am looking forward to this next 8 weeks to help me develop good habits to really dive in and study, not just see the words, on what the bible has to say to me.
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