Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beyond Sunday - Not a Fan: Fork in the Road Dave Wright

In the 1989 movie “Great Balls of Fire”, starring Dennis Quaid and Alec Baldwin, Jimmy Swaggert (played by Baldwin) confronted his cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis (Quaid) about the life he was living. “There is a road you are travelling,” Baldwin said. “There is a spot on that road with two choices…and you have to decide…which way are you going to go? The straight and narrow or the one paved with bad intentions?” Quaid looked and said with a small grin. “I will always go for the bad intentions,” he said. “I wouldn’t do it any other way!”

Your life is full of “Forks in the Road.” Greg spoke Sunday about the distractions caused of choosing the side of “a fan.” Drifting, regrets, and miscalculation lead to the possibility of taking the wrong path. Greg also explained that repentance is the way to change direction and become a follower. While this is true, there is more to remember in making this life changing decision. There is no need to re-trace your steps or wade waist deep in stuff that you have gone through to search for God. All you have to do is ask…for Him to come into your life. The amazing thing is…He will meet you right where you are.

The next few weeks will be an exciting time at Suncrest. People will be making the switch from “fan” to “follower”. They will do this by choosing to be baptized. One thing I know being around Suncrest for a long time, there are never any goals set for “number of people baptized.” Suncrest’s mission statement doesn’t say “Used by God to Change (XXX Amount of) Lives.” It is to change lives, period. It will be amazing to witness. If you have questions about being baptized, do not hesitate to call and ask.

I think it was important that Wes reminded us of how to pray Sunday morning. Many times, words are hard to find about what to pray for. Remember, God wants to hear from all us…

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