Cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Am I doing stuff on a regular basis that is designed for me to grow in my relationship with Jesus?
- As I look back on the past year, month, week, do I feel that I am growing closer to Jesus? Farther? Why is that?
- Do I honestly feel that I am engaging in a living, vibrant relationship with Jesus? Is it actively influencing the choices and decisions that I make in everyday living?
Connect in relationships where truth meets life.
- Am I currently involved in meeting with a group of other people on a regular basis, talking about the truth of God's Word and discovering how that affects our lives?
- Do I have people in my life that I've given permission to speak truth, even confronting me when needed about areas where God's light needs to shine a little brighter in my life?
- Am I doing this Jesus thing alone, or do I have a group of people whom I know will help and support me?
Contribute by serving.
- Am I involved in some sort of regular service opportunity, whether that be at church or in my community?
- Can I honestly say that I have made serving others a part of my lifestyle and part of who I am?
- If I'm not serving, am I doing so because I haven't prioritized it, or is it because I'm just not sure of what my gifts for service are? (If you're not sure of your gifting, get in touch with David Vineyard at about our upcoming Discovery Seminar, happening in March!)
Care about people far from God.
- Am I actively engaged in relationships with friends, family, and co-workers who do not know Jesus?
- Am I praying for those people on a regular basis? If I'm not in relationships with people far from God, am I actively and intentionally seeking out those relationships and praying for God to put people far from Him into my path?
- Am I making a real, honest effort to share the message of Jesus with them in some way, whether that's through talking about my faith or offering a simple invite to our church?
Just a few questions for you to consider as you think about how you stand with each of the 4 C's. Where are you winning? Where do you need to grow? Great questions to think about as you continue in the journey!
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