Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Taking the Next Step.

Movement is an important part of any great process or organization. It's what helps us to keep going, to keep pushing, to keep trying to take things to the next level. Movement is essential for growth.

Organizationally, here at Suncrest, we really value movement. As a leadership, we want to keep moving each of you (including ourselves) through to the next step of faith. If you're new to our church, coming to Sunday mornings at St. John or Hobart is a good first step. But from there, we want to push you to take the next step of going to Starting Point or baptism class. From there, we want to push you take the next step of getting involved in a community group, then to take the next step of contributing through some sort of service, and so on and so forth.

I think that process helps us be a better church, but I think adapting that process to our personal lives is very helpful as well. A big question I need to keep asking myself when it comes to cultivating my relationship with Jesus is, quite simply, "What's the next step for me?"

When I was 14, the next step for me was getting baptized. When I was 15, it was getting involved with the worship team at my church. When I was 17, it was making the decision to enter the ministry and become a pastor. For me right now, the next step is discipline; being more intentional about forming real relationships and making my daily time with God a habit.

I don't know where you stand right now with the whole Jesus thing; maybe you've been following him for years, maybe you're just getting started, or maybe you're not even sure how you feel about Jesus yet. Wherever you're at, I want to encourage you to ask the question, "What's my next step?"


P.S.: As you ask the question, "What's my next step?" I really want to encourage you to think about the possibility of baptism, if you haven't taken that step already. On February 7 here at Suncrest, we are making a huge push for people to take that next step of baptism in obedience to what we believe the Bible teaches. If you're at all interested, or even just want to talk about what that means, I know that you can contact myself (, our Cultivate pastor Bobby ( or our lead pastor Greg Lee ( We'd love to hear from you and love to encourage you to take this next step in faith!

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