...by Larry Walker
For me, the hardest decision made this year was the one regarding tithing. The thoughts surrounding it involve things like respecting God, providing for your family, understanding what truly is important to you, and, quite often, having the humility to serve correctly.
Like Greg taught Sunday, tithing is as real a biblical practice as any other. It's just hard to do for me to its literal extent. But I have to ask myself, "Would I dishonor other practices as quickly?" It's there for me to read about just as the others are. For some, this year has been such a significant drop-off that tithing has either lessened or gone away. It's a real issue. In those cases, it can be a place to grow to. To give what feels right. God wants us to give with a peaceful heart, not because we'll get a ruler to the back of our hand if we don't. For me, I needed to change what was truly important. Taking the family trip to Disney became not nearly as important as being with my family while on vacation. The real kicker came when Greg spoke about giving first and letting everything else fall into place. Let giving be the CAUSE instead of the EFFECT. I needed to wrap my hands around the fact that it's His bank account and that I'm just the manager.
So, I need to sit down with Him and sift through all of this. See where my heart has been and where I will have it pointed to from here on in. I look forward to what's ahead.
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