So this week on the good ol' Cultivate blog, I thought I'd tell you about a resource that I've been getting some really great use out of over the past few months and I think that you will too.
If you read my blog, you are probably acquainted with my Andy Stanley man crush (I still blame Greg Lee). He's a great teacher and pastor at a place called North Point Community Church in Atlanta. I don't know exactly how I got started listening to this guy teach and preach, but once I did, I was hooked. He's got a lot of wisdom and insight, and anytime I find something (whether it be a book, a sermon, a video, whatever) with his name on it, I try my best to carve out some time so I can listen to it.
But today I am here to tell you about North Point's podcast. Basically, this is a way you can subscribe to their weekly messages, many of which are from Andy, but some are from other teachers at North Point. On my drives to and from Cincinnati each week, I mostly listen to music, but I usually take some time to listen to one or two messages, most of which are from North Point. I always walk away with some great insights - I especially loved their Guardrails series from back in the spring.
To subscribe to get these messages, simply go to the "Podcast" section of iTunes and type in North Point Community Church, and you'll find it. Hit subscribe, and your iTunes library will automatically download new messages when they are posted each week. If you aren't an iTunes user, simply go to and hit the "messages" tab, and you can download that week's current message. You can even watch them online there if you'd like as well.
This is seriously a great way to help cultivate your personal relationship with Jesus even further! Check it out! And if you're interested in more stuff like this, check out the North Point Ministries podcast. For something with more of a leadership bent, check out the Andy Stanley Leadership podcast.
Happy listening!
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