by Wesley Blackburn
So now, things are in motion. Jesus has been betrayed into the hands of those who hate them most. God's plan for salvation for the entire world is now seeing it's final moments before completion. But truly, even though Jesus knows that He is so close to accomplishing the will of the Father, it must feel so far away. He has yet to go through some excruciating pain and some surely testing emotional times.
But in the midst of this, what does Jesus do? He continues to submit to God's will and plan for His life, even if that means crucifixion. A lot of the time, I like to say that I want to live a life submitted to God and His will and plan for my life. But sometimes in my life, God's plan means pain, hardship, and testing. That's not something I am a fan of. And a lot of the time, that's when I suddenly choose not to submit.
But not Jesus, through thick and thin, He is committed and devoted to the plan of the Father. He is going to see it through to completion, even when that means pain and difficulty are involved for us.
So how about you? What is the situation in your life that you know God is calling you to, but maybe you're shying away because you know the commitment or difficulty involved? Have you fully submitted to the will of God, even when it's tough? That's one of the things I think that the cross asks us. And it's a question that I think we are obligated to answer.
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