by Dave Wright
When I was asked to blog about Psalm 23, my first thought was, this would be easy! Every summer at church camp it was one of the lists of Bible verses we had to memorize. It would be one of the first on the list to cross off back in the day.
That was then…this is now. It is amazing how certain sections of the Bible can pop into your life at the right time. There have been some really strange things that have happened in my life the past couple of months…things that can only be described as “God Things”. When I was asked to write some things about this passage, it struck that the Lord IS my shepherd. Just read the psalm: "I shall not want." My God will not let me go without. God will always provide.
The most important thing to me after revisiting Psalm 23 is the assurance that God is with me always. Remember, through scary times, tough times, and good times God is always with you. He will guide and comfort you. Just don’t catch me off guard and ask me to recite it from memory.
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