Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beyond Sunday: Unstoppable Hope Bobby Jackson

Hope you had a great Father’s Day!

Andy shared a difficult and profound truth with us this week. Could it be that, good and bad, my story is worth telling? Should I keep the bad chapters of my life because GOd is able to be seen in those as well? That’s a tough thing to wrap my grey matter around. I want to forget pain in the past and not view it again, but Andy reminded us that there is a deeper hope that comes from seeing God at work in our entire story.

I was thankful for David’s testimony, weren’t you? To hear that things have not been great or turned out rosey felt like real life for so many people. BUT, the difference David noted between the despair of a friend and some true level of peace in his life was a relationship with Jesus. I, too, am thankful for how God can and does work through my story.

This verse rang through my mind all morning:
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Can you see God at work as you love Him and follow His purposes?

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