...by Chrissy Book
When believers lack Peace, where can we find it? What can we do to promote Peace, or how about the situations where Peace seems impossible?
And worst of all, what can be done if we don't even want Peace?
I'm guessing that was part of the problem between the two believers from the 4th chapter of the book of Philippians.
Paul says, "I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche..." verse 2. God knows we are prideful. Paul knew this too…hence the pleading. Paul then takes the issue heavenward and advises these women to "agree in the Lord". We should too. When our issues are with other believers, as mine often are, it helps to get that aerial view; God's perspective. Ask, "How does God feel about this? What would He tell me to do? What does He want me to say?" If you ask, He'll tell you.
He helps us understand that all believers are ultimately on the same team. Team- "in the Lord". Syntyche and Euodia were (verse 3), and so are all of us here at Suncrest.
Paul goes on to tell how to get the Peace of God. He says; "Rejoice in the Lord "(here's that phrase again), exhibit gentleness, don't be anxious, but know that our God of light, love and peace is near. Then with a thankful heart; pray. Pray about everything. That is where Peace is experienced the most- in the heart of one who prays. Not anxiously, but expectantly.
Lastly, Paul wraps up with a checklist for Peace. He encourages us to focus on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. Make a list of those things, meditate on it, and I guarantee you a more peaceful and thankful heart!
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