Wednesday, March 31, 2010

25 Day Challenge Update

So a few weeks ago I talked on here about the 25 Day Challenge, a simple Bible reading plan for James and 1 and 2 Peter that Brendon Foulke and I offered to our teens at the Sr. High Retreat in February (see the original post about that here). I don’t know how many of you decided to join in with me on that, but I know I just finished about a week ago. I blogged through the entire experience (check out my blog here... sorry for the shameless promo), and I found it really beneficial, even if for no other reason than simply it forced me to develop a rhythm where everyday I am getting into God’s Word, praying, and then really thinking about it. I think that no matter who you are, that’s a beneficial thing to get into the habit of doing, even if you’re just like me where it’s 15-30 minutes when you wake up or before you go to bed each night.

Anyway, I guess this post is more so to just encourage you to give it a shot. If you’re interested, my blog has a page dedicated to the 25 Day Challenge; you can pick up the reading plan from there and then do your own thing. We’ll be starting a series on how to read your Bible here at Suncrest next week and in conjunction with that, we’ll also be starting something called the E100 Challenge where we as a church will be reading 100 really “essential” Scripture passages.

I know I talk about reading your Bible a lot on here, but it’s a firm belief of mine that people who make a regular habit of reading their Bible are usually people who are cultivating their relationship with Jesus. I highly recommend it.

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