Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Five Essentials of Cultivating: Worship

Well, today as we tackle some more cultivate essentials, we come to the topic of worship. I am convinced that having a great worship life is an absolute foundation for having a truly great relationship with Jesus. I mean, think about it... worship forces us to be outwardly focused. My energy and attention is turned away from just thinking about myself and is instead turned toward thinking about the majesty and greatness of God, his kingdom, and my part in all of that. When I sing about the life that Jesus offers, it makes me want to share that with others. I don't think that I can truly worship and not feel compelled and pumped to take the awesome message of the gospel and live that out better in my life, and encourage others to do the same.

But also as strange as it sounds, even though I'm an intern whose primary ministry area is worship, I'm not so sure how great of a job I always do with that. I get distracted and lose my focus. Sometimes I might be physically there in worship, but not there in my spirit and in my mind. I know that for me, on stage, it's always a temptation to think more about playing my instrument or singing or looking cool on stage or whatever than to just sit back and focus on thinking and meaning the words that I sing at each service.

I think in any discussion about worship, it's really important to first think about what worship is. In the New Testament, the Bible commonly uses the Greek word proskuneo, which means "to kiss," and especially refers to kissing the feet or hands of a dignitary like a king or queen, as a sign of not just appreciation, but also reverence and respect. I think that's kind of a cool image for what happens when I worship God.

It's also really important to realize that worship doesn't directly correlate to music, though that's a way God's people have worshipped him for thousands of years. Yes, I worship God when I sing some great songs to Him on Sunday morning, but I also worship God when I take the time to help someone in need, when I take time out of my day to talk to God or study His word and plan for my life, or even when I do something as simple as fulfill my God given roles as a teacher, son, student, or pastor (and maybe one day a husband and father). These are all forms of worship. It's not just the musical part of our services; it's so much more. It sounds kind of cliche, but it's the way I live my life.

A passage I've really been pouring over every so often for the past few years is John 4:24, where Jesus says that true worshippers of him will worship "in spirit and in truth." I'm not totally sure what that means, and am still wrestling through what that means each day, but I think that Jesus is simply saying that our worship has both a mental and spiritual/emotional component. To use the example of singing in church, I need to know what I'm singing and assent to that mentally, but that I also need to mean what I'm singing in my heart and in my spirit. Offering an action without heart behind it is just as bad as not doing something at all.

So how do we worship, or how can we worship better? I humbly offer a few things:

1. We've gotta be open for opportunities, and take advantage of them. In Ephesians 5:16, the apostle Paul talks about the importance of us making the most of every opportunity, for the days are evil (in other words, "Make the most of every opportunity, because time is often NOT your friend!"). I think that applies with our worship. If I want to become a person who is a better worshipper, that means that I have to focus on making the most of the opportunities that I do have. Each Sunday, I'm going to get a chance to worship through song. I need to do everything within my power to focus in on doing just that each morning so that I can make the most of that worship opportunity. Maybe you know a friend or family member who is hurting financially, spiritually, or emotionally this Christmas. Helping them in an appropriate way could be a great form of worship, but not if I don't take advantage of that opportunity. A big part of this also means that we just need to pray to be aware of opportunities to worship God around us, and take advantage when we can.

2. Think of your personal worship as a prayer. This is something that from time to time really helps me. When I do God's will in the world around me, I am essentially saying to God, "God, I love you and I'm going to obey you and do what you ask of me." What better form of worship is there? Sometimes when I sing, I forget that I'm singing to God! I try to think of each word I sing as a prayer to God, asking Him to help me or just thanking Him for who He is and how He's provided for me.

3. Do stuff you know is going to draw you close to God. The more I get "in touch" with God, the easier it is for me to turn right around at any point in my day and just worship and thank God. Sometimes, when I'm in a bit of a worship rut, I realize how little consideration I'm really giving to God in any other parts of my life. James 4:8 says that when we come close to God, he comes close to us. I don't think it's possible for me to make prayer a regular part of my life and not come closer to God. I don't think it's possible to study God's Word and not get closer to him in that relationship. As we do these things and naturally become closer to God, I think we just naturally love God more and want to worship him.

I really want to encourage everyone reading this to take worship seriously! It's a big deal, and an awesome way we can just give thanks to God for all the amazing things he's done and is doing for us. Let's worship together this Christmas season!


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